How to Restart Network Services in RHEL 8

How to Restart Network Services in RHEL 8
How to Restart Network Services in RHEL 8

Hey, In this post we are going to do how to restart or start/stop network services on Redhat RHEL Linux System. Here I'm presenting two options/methods to restart the network services.

Also Read:- How to Register and Enable Red Hat Subscription, Repositories and Updates for RHEL 8.4 Server

Method 1 – Using NetworkManager Service

sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager.service
Use the followings commands to start/stop network service on your RHEL 8 Linux system.

sudo systemctl start NetworkManager.service
sr@vetechno:~$ sudo systemctl stop NetworkManager.service
sr@vetechno:~$ sudo systemctl status NetworkManager.service
sr@vetechno:~$ sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager.service

Method 2 – Using nmcli Tool

The nmcli is the command-line utility for managing NetworkManager on RHEL 8 Linux system. We can simply use this utility to stop/start network service on our Redhat RHEL 8 Linux system.

sudo nmcli networking off
sr@vetechno:~$ sudo nmcli networking on
WARNING – If you are connected with ssh connection then do not run nmcli networking off command. This will disable the NetworkManager network connections on the machine and you will lose connection.

Also Read:- How to Install Slack on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8

Also Read:- How to Register and Enable Red Hat Subscription, Repositories and Updates for RHEL 8.4 Server


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