How do I install Xen Server tools on Linux? - vetechno
How do I install Xen Server tools on Linux? Hey Reader, In this post, we will describe how to install Xen Server tools on Linux operating systems like Ubuntu, CentOS, RedHat. Xen server tools help you fetch additional information for monitoring, Operating System type, get private IP address in a networking tab, root-cause analysis, and many more. Read Also:- How to install and setup Nord VPN on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Read Also:- How to Install uTorrent on Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Read Also:- How to Hide Apache, Nginx, or PHP version on Ubuntu Clients should install XenServer Tools on individual VM to be able to perform the following actions: * Cleanly shut down, reboot, or suspend a VM * Customize the number of vCPUs on a running Linux VM (Windows VMs require a reboot for this to take effect) * View VM performance data in XenCenter * Create quiesced snapshots or snapshots with memory (checkpoints), or revert to snapshots * Migrate a...