How to enable php imap extension on Amazon Linux 2
How to enable php imap extension on Amazon Linux 2 In this tutorial, we will enable or fix php imap extension on Amazon Linux AMI 2. We will need the tools to compile the module, if you don't have them installed you can do it as follows: sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools" To install the necessary dependencies we must activate the EPEL repository, if you do not have it activated do the following: sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel yum install epel-release Now we install the dependencies: sudo yum install libc-client-devel uw-imap-static openssl-devel Now we are going to create a symbolic link for the script to find the libc-client library. sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/libc-client.a /usr/lib Then we will download the source code of the version of PHP that you are using from cd ~ wget We go to the directory that corresponds to the extension that we want to compile in this case IMAP, b...